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Library Advisory Committee




April 24, 2024/12:00 PM/ SEP413A/J-2507/Zoom

Attendees Present: 

Lori Fitterling, Chair Kass Sjostrom Sarah Getch
Abbey Griffith Kelley Joy Sharon Gordon
Bonnie Turner Kerrie Jordan Travis Hilliard
Cole Nelson Lance Huggins Valorie Millican
Hamzah Abedelwahab Luke Bobo  
Ivan Bahamon McKenzie Warren  
Jessica Berry Nicole Ford  

Agenda Item


Action Items/



(by whom) & Date


Ms. Fitterling welcomed the members to the meeting, checked attendance, introduced the library employees, and shared the Library Advisory Committee Mission. Minutes of October 25 are posted on the library website for review.

Minutes of the last meeting

Ms. Fitterling shared follow-up from previous meeting items:

  • Writing Center
    • It was suggested that each campus has its own Writing Center Director or shared time
    • The library will work in collaboration with the Writing Center  
    • Collaborate with surrounding universities to staff writing center (i.e. English Department)
    • Student staffing could support both the student and writing center financially
    • WEX is a dissertation resource
  • Noise in library
    • Noise canceling system added to FY25 budget
  • Digital Commons
    •  Need promoting
    • More content added
  • Thesis/Dissertation
    • Erin in the library oversees this process
    • The library should have representation on the Research Committee

Directors Report

Ms. Fitterling shared the following topic:

  • Budget
    • Proposed budget for FY25: $1,902,797
    • Databases/Periodicals up 7 %
    • Added subscriptions and CDM resources
    • 2 additional student assistants
    • UpToDate, Visual Dx, and Access Med

Dr. Gordon would like a breakdown of all eBooks utilized by college.

Report sent to Dr. Gordon 4/24/24.

Other Reports

  • Transition to FOLIO Catalog
    • Cataloging system will change on May 22
    • Not much changing for end-user
  • eBook Survey
    • A suggestion was made to share the concerns with the Curriculum Committee and/or Faculty Senate so that faculty can also be made aware
  • AI Integration
    • Scopus, Clinical Key, and UpToDate all have AI
    • This database additions will be at an added cost
    • The library would like to be included in the AI policy proposals
    • The slides for this meeting will be posted on the library website

Open Discussion/

    • First Aid Forward is available
    • Students will need to go through the library website to access UpToDate (SSO)
    • More laptop stands are needed

The library will share how to access UpToDate with students.

Library sent follow-up e-mail with instructions for students.


The meeting adjourned at 12:56 PM.



October 25, 2023/12:00 PM/ SEP413A/J-2507/Zoom

Attendees Present: 

Lori Fitterling, Chair Edward O'Connor Luke Bobo
Abbey Griffith Hamzah Abedelwahab McKenzie Warren
Ashley Chicchelly Ivan Bahamon Nicole Ford
Asma Zaidi Jessica Berry Rylee Hendricks
Bonnie Turner Kass Sjostrom Sharon Gordon
Chance Aplanalp Kelley Joy Travis Hilliard
Cole Nelson Kerrie Jordan Valorie Millican
Erin Dredge Lance Huggins  

Agenda Item


Action Items/


Follow Up (by whom) & Date


Ms. Fitterling welcomed the members to the meeting, checked attendance, introduced the library employees and shared the Library Advisory Committee Mission.

Directors Report

Ms. Fitterling shared the following topic (See Attachments):

  • Budget
    • Approved budget for FY24: $1,303,766
    • Databases/Periodicals FY24: projected $1,228,000
    • KCU subscribes to about 13,000 journals
  • FY24 Library Project
    • There are several projects proposed for FY24
    • Writing Center
      • Students and faculty would benefit and have expressed a strong need for this resource
      • Potential grant opportunities to get this started/funded.
      • Reach out to Dena McDonell to check on options/grants
      • Students as writing support
      • Stipend or pay-based for students who have experience writing/publishing
      • Look into subcontracting a writing service/support
      • Does COCA require publishing/research?
      • Could this be a reason to push harder for the Writing Center?
  • D’Angelo Library updates
    • Switching to an online study room reservation system
    • New chairs for staff and some for study rooms
    • More standing desks
    • VR wellness room
    • Treadmill desks
  • Dawson Heritage Library updates
    • Renovation completed
    • 2 new high-top tables
    • Hosting VR room
    • 2 treadmill desks

Other Reports

Digital Commons

  • The site was created to support student and faculty research publications
  • It needs to be promoted more
  • This site is maintained and continually updated by Jessica Berry

Database Update

  • Embase and Scopus are two databases that will be shared with the committee at a later time


The Kansas City library has had an increase in noise complaints this year. The committee discussed some solutions:

  • $25,000 sound masking system not in budget this year
  • Have student committee members share with peers that the library is working on the problems
  • Have a second student worker/volunteer work on 2nd floor to deter/monitor talking
  • Check with Dr. Abner to see if this falls under the THRIVE grant
  • Models and bone boxes do mean increased noise but are needed to study.
    • Access to models/boxes outside the library?
    • Designated areas to use these resources to minimize sound issues when they are being used
Open Discussion/ Questions

What resources are needed:

  • More Thesis/Dissertation resources on the library website
  • Templates for thesis would be very helpful
  • Digital Commons does help see examples
  • Create a library guide to provide resources and templates
  • UWorld question
    • Not a library resource but great to know it is so helpful to students
    • Encouraged student to reach out to Curriculum and share this
    • Additional encouragement to mention in site visits coming up next month
    • The staff and upgrades to the library are appreciated by the students


The meeting adjourned at 1:15 PM.



April 21, 2023/12:00 PM/ SEP413A/J-2507/Zoom

Attendees Present: 

Lori Fitterling, Chair Dr. Kelley Joy Peyton Couch
Abbey Griffith Dr. Kirby Randolph Valorie Millican
Bonnie Turner Komal Jafarani Felicia Harris
Brandalynn Holland Lance Higgins Erin Dredge
Dr. Edward O'Connor Meghan Cohoon  
Jessica Berry Dr. Nicole Ford  

Agenda Item


Action Items/


Follow Up (by whom) & Date


Ms. Fitterling welcomed the members to the meeting, checked attendance and discussed items from the last meeting.

Directors Report

Ms. Fitterling shared the following topic (See Attachments):

  • Accomplishments
  • Outstanding Academic Health Science Library Award
  • Thrive Wellness Room
  • Top usage/cost of databases and periodicals
  • Budget
    • Proposal for databases and Periodicals: $1,829,526
    • Capital improvements
    • Writing Center
  • Dawson library renovations are underway
    • More study spaces
    • Additional seating
    • More service spaces
  • Library survey results
    • 18 faculty and 60 (COM) students responded
  • Digital Commons and New Resources
    • Over 900 publications
    • Pulse is the student literary journal
    • Archive (digital museum)
    • New e-books and journals are listed on the website
  • Concerns, Recommendations, Requests:
    • Writing Center
    • Students need to read more
    • Access to the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program
    • Student research publications are available in the digital repository
    • Library can partner with internal research groups
    • A list of KCU ‘s external research partners
  • Noise concerns in library:
    • Steps have been put in place to assist with this
    • White noise was suggested

Recommendations/Requests & Open Discussions

Ms. Fitterling opened the floor:

  • 3D printing resources needed
  • Anatomical models and bone boxes are available
  • Need more social science databases or ability to share resources (ILL)
  • Utilization data report
  • Ongoing compilation of requested resources
  • Contact Ms. Fitterling for resource recommendations
  • KCU publication journal, name to come in the near future


The meeting adjourned at 1:15 PM.



October 20, 2022/12:00 PM/ SEP413A/J-South/Zoom

Attendees Present: 

Lori Fitterling, Chair Komal Jafarani Dr. Kelley Joy
Abbey Griffith Dr. Mike Johnston Felicia Harris
Bonnie Turner Dr. Nicole Ford Robyn Oro
Dr. Edward O'Connor Rylee Hendricks McKenzie Warren
Jessica Berry Dr. Sharon Gordon Erin Dredge
Dr. Kerrie Jordan Peyton Couch Kelly Handschin
Dr. Kirby Randolph Meghan Coohon  

Agenda Item


Action Items/


Follow Up (by whom) & Date


Ms. Fitterling welcomed the members to the meeting and shared the purpose of the committee. She introduced the library team and its mission statement.

Directors Report

Update on library

  • Budget
    • FY23 budget is $1,925,525
    • The cost of subscription resources continues to rise
    • KCU library collection for 2022
      • 45 databases
      • 13,625 E-journals
      • 11, 047 E-books
        • 515,157 with EBSCO collections
      • 812 printed journals
      • 7806 printed books
    • It’s important for the LAC to help determine what resources are need and which are obsolete.
  • New Resources
  • Projects (some of the items on the list)
    • Digital Commons
    • Writing center 2023
    • Library Read in 2023
    • Scholarly Snippets
    • Addition display cases
    • Updated furniture

Other Reports

Ms. Fitterling had selected library staff give reports:

  • DigitalCommons@KCU (Jessica Berry)
    • Research
    • Journals
    • Special Collections and archival materials
    • Theses and dissertations
    • University publications
    • Open educational resources
    • Faculty profiles/bios
    • All collections
  • Database update (Abbey Griffith)
    • Embase
    • LWW Health Library: Board Review Series
    • Database Comparison table
    • Scopus
  • Special collections and Historical Archives (Robyn Oro)
    • Yearbooks
    • Photographs
    • Postcards
    • Print copy of scholarly research

Recommendations/ Requests & Open Discussions

Ms. Fitterling opened the floor:

  • 3D printing resources needed
  • Anatomical models and bone boxes are available
  • Need more social science databases or ability to shared
  • Utilization data report
  • Ongoing compilation of requested resources
  • Contact Ms. Fitterling for resource recommendations
  • KCU publication journal, name to coming in the near future


The meeting adjourned at 12:53 PM.



April 11, 2022/11:00 AM/ SEP413A/J-South/Zoom

Attendees Present: 

Lori Fitterling, Chair Dr. Asma Zaidi Bonnie Turner
Bradley Thornton Deborah Dele-Oni Dr. Edward O'Connor
Jessica Berry Kari West Dr. Kathryn Champion
Dr. Kelley Joy Dr. Kerrie Jordan Lance Huggins
McKenzie Warren Dr. Mike Johnston Dr. Nicole Ford
Paul Creger Roman Ramirez Syeda Mustafa
Felicia Harris    

Agenda Item


Action Items/


Follow Up


Ms. Fitterling welcomed the members to the meeting. She shared the importance of the committee.

Directors Report

State of the library

Ms. Fitterling shared the accomplishment and recommendations for the library.

  • FT Writing and Research position requested for FY23
  • Working on adding more Biosciences, Bioethics, Public Health and CDM resources
  • “Quick read” graphic medical novels are currently available in the library
  • Additional resources
    • Digital Commons
    • Web of Science database
    • RefWorks database
    • NEJM Catalyst and Evidence periodicals
    • JOVE video journal
    • eBooks

Results of survey

  • A total of 39 responses
  • 21 Students, 6 Staff, and 12 Faculty
  • Journals were the most requested
  • HCUP and Expert Path were requested.

Additions to collection

Ms. Berry showed the list of library databases available to students and introduced a new resource called Embase. She shared that the student literary journal, The Pulse, is available on the library website.


Ms. Fitterling asked the committee to share any feedback from the following:

  • COB
    • No responses
    • Students don’t know what resources are available from the library
    • It was suggested that the students have access to:
      • Intro from Library staff during orientation
      • list of library resources and learning module/course in canvas
  • COM
    • Library course during first year was helpful
    • Love having “UpToDate”, but it is not available to alumni
    • Some core sites give the students access to UpToDate
    • Research resource refresher from the library
    • Interested in student positions for the writing center
  • PsyD
    • Support Canvas course and writing center position
    • The mini library use for PsyD has increased
  • CDM
    • CDM landing page on the library website with info about textbooks
    • Share relative textbooks that may overlap with COB, COM, and PsyD
  • Faculty/Staff
    • Updated review series for Biochemistry and Genetics eBooks
    • Sending notification to 2nd and 3rd years that the library is available to them
    • Library share a link on the website for free leadership courses from IMS


The meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM..



November 4, 2021/12:00 PM/ ADB-2A/J-South/Zoom

Attendees Present: 

Lori Fitterling, Chair Jessica Berry McKenzie Warren
Dr. Asma Zaidi Kari West Dr. Nicole Ford
Bonnie Turner Dr. Kathryn Champion Paul Creger
Bradley Thornton Dr. Kelly Joy Dr. Sarah Getch
Deborah Dele-Oni Dr. Kerrie Jordan Syeda Mustafa
Dr. Edward O'Connor Dr. Kirby Randolph Abbey Griffith
Fatima McKindra Lance Huggins Felicia Harris


Agenda Item


Action Items/



(by whom) & Date


Ms. Fitterling welcomed the members and expressed her encouragement in the forming of this committee. The roles of the LAC were given to include being an adviser, serving as a liaison, making recommendations, recognizing its value, and to act with a vested interest. Currently the committee will meet twice a year.

Directors Report

Ms. Fitterling shared the following:

  • Databases and periodical subscriptions take a big portion of the library’s budget
  • Vendor subscriptions increase 5% to 7% each year
  • eBooks for student learning were purchased during COVID
  • There is a KCU library website listing new resources
  • Several Library projects
    • Reduce 2000-2009 print collection
    • Writing Center for 2022
    • Board review resources
    • AACOM Bibliometrics and Scoping Review
    • Dental Resources
    • Public Health Resources


Ms. Fitterling asked the committee to make recommendations on what resources should be kept or discarded.  Ask constitutes what services and/or resources are needed from the library.

Dr. Joy ask if alumni have access to the library for research. Yes, they do for reference searches or articles from KCU’s collection.  But they do not have access to digital content due to the license agreements for FT faculty and students.

Dr. Joy suggested that a journal or book club would be helpful for faculty relating to leadership, teaching or/and presenting.

Dr. Getch shared that there should be more collaboration of faculty and staff resources. She feels that this is a great time to establish this committee since KCU is working on its strategic plans and the library can structure its goals to work with the school’s plan. The library could continue to build the school’s reputation while supporting the community.

Ms. West supports the idea of a writing center, which would be a valuable resource.

Dr. Zaidi also supports the writing center as it relates to research and reducing the time it takes for grant writing

Mr. Creger agrees that if KCU had better resources for research, it would boost our reputation on a national scale.

Dr. Jordan supports the need for a writing center and how it would increase publications and student involvement.  With more publications comes better notoriety which helps our students match in the residency programs of their choice.

Open Discussion/Questions

Ms. Fitterling shared that printed textbook purchases are not cost effective if students don’t use or need them. After some discussion it was suggestion were made:

  • Electronic textbooks would be more cost effective with a few hardcopies of the ones checked out the most
  • The print version of Robbins-Pathology book would be helpful
  • For requested printed textbook, a discounted group purchase might be made available
  • Older students tend to prefer printed textbooks
  • Desk copies are free from publisher
  • Some publishers are willing to give free extra copies for library use
  • Social Science resources are not available at KCU


The meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM. The next meeting will be scheduled after the new year.