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Predatory Journals: Evaluation Tools

Evaluating Journals and Publishers

As an author, you can use the following websites and tools to evaluate the reputation and reliability of particular journals and publishers. If you have doubts about a particular publisher, please proceed with caution. Use a critical eye, make use of the tools below; reflect on whether these publishers or journals meet the criteria for credibility. If you have additional questions, please contact your librarians for assistance. We are here to help!

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Sites to Use

This is a list of sites that authors can use to check and see if a particular journal or publisher is predatory. 

Check the Metrics

Journal metrics provide extra insight into the impact, speed and reach of a particular journal – and help authors select the right journal when submitting an article for publication. Impact factor is a measure of the number of times an average paper in a particular journal is cited during the preceding two years

More Evaluation Tools