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LGBTQIA+ Health Resources: Websites

Health care resources for LGBTQIA+ community, patients, students, and allies.


Local Resources in the Kansas City Area

Health Care Information

Find a LGBTQ Healthcare Provider/Health Clinic: From the CDC

GLMA Provider Directory

Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists: A provider directory

Center of Excellence for Transgender Health: Increasing access to comprehensive healthcare for transgender communities

CDC - LGBT Health: LGBT Health Topics from the Centers for Disease Control

CATCH Tool Kit: Coalitions in Action for Transgender Community Health

Family Equality Resource Library: Information and resource kits

Healthcare Equality Index: From the Human Rights Campaign, the national tool for measuring equality in healthcare facilities. 

Kaiser Family Foundation- LGBT issues: A 2018 issue brief reflecting changes in legal and policy landscape

LGBT Caregiver: Support guide from the Alzheimer's Association

LGBT-Healthy-People: Improve the health, safety and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals by 2020

National Alliance on Mental Illness: LGBTQ mental health information

National LGBT Cancer Network: Programs and resources

National LGBT Health Education Center: LGBT health education resources from the Fenway Institute

Out for Health: LGBT health and wellness information

Task Force Survey: Statistics on LGBT issues

US Department of Veterans Affairs: Policies and resources relating to LGBT veterans within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

WPATH: World Professional Association on Transgender Health

Webinar: Cultural Competence

These archived webinars from GLMA explore the health concerns and healthcare of LGBT people and cover:

  • Understanding the Health Needs of LGBT People
  • Creating a Welcoming and Safe Environment for LGBT People and Families
  • Clinical Skills for the Care of Transgender Individuals

MedLine Plus

MedLine Health Topics: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
Information about specific health issues that impact the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.