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Scopus: Registered User Accounts

Registered User Accounts

Creating an account on Scopus will help you keep track of the specific topics, authors, and more. Alerts can also be created for notifications when there is new content in a field of study. As a registered user, you can also export saved references to a number of other reference manager tools.

  • Mendeley
  • Ex Libris (RefWorks)
  • SciVal
  • RIS format (EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite)
  • CSV (Excel)
  • BibTeX (La TeX, Overleaf)
  • Plain text (ASCII, HTML)

Creating and Managing Accounts

To personalize your experience you can: 

  • Save searches
  • Create lists
  • Monitor authors
  • Set preferences for reference management tools
  • Access your dashboard

From the personal dashboard, find the following options:

  • See author correction requests
  • Access Scopus support
  • Edit or delved saved searches and lists
  • Review and edit privacy options
  • Set and manage alerts

      Learn how to create and manage alerts here