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- The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is part of the HHS Office of the Secretary. OGA promotes the health and well-being of Americans and of the world’s population by advancing HHS’s global strategies and partnerships and working with USG agencies in the coordination of global health policy.
- - CDC leverages its core strengths to advance four overarching global health goals: 1) improving the health and well-being of people around the world, 2) improving capabilities for preparing for and responding to infectious diseases and emerging health threats, 3) building country public health capacity, and 4) maximizing organizational capacity.
- Global Heath Workforce Network - Part of the World Health Organization.
- Global Healthcare Information Network- (GHI-net) is a non-profit organization that provides inclusive support through: Communication: promoting international, regional and national cooperation. Understanding: building a picture of information needs and how to meet them. Effective action: seeking and advocating cost-effective solutions.