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Racism in Medicine Resources: Terms and Methods for Searching PubMed: Racial Disparities

Racial disparity in treatment has been well documented for years. In order to address this issue within healthcare, we've compiled resources on racism in medicine and anti-racism resources for our patrons.

Search Hedges Explained

Search hedges may be a new term that many outside of the library world are unfamiliar with. They may also be referred to as search filters, canned searches, clinical queries, or optimal search strategies. 

Hedges are just standardized search strategies that can be used to look for relevant articles on a given topic. Many times they are combinations of searches that utilize Boolean operators to build more specific searches focused on specific topics. 

The search hedges listed on this page are specific to PubMed and focused on Structural Racism. To use them, simply copy the hedge (Search Details section of the table) and paste into the PubMed search bar. You can also add these hedges to existing searches you have for other topics. 

As always, if you need assistance or have questions, please reach out to your campus librarians for additional help. 

Search Hedges

Search Number
Search Details
1 "Race Factors"[MeSH Terms] OR "Prejudice"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Discrimination"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Segregation"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Race Relations"[MeSH Terms] MeSH terms for Racism, Racial Disparities, African Americans
2 "African Americans"[MeSH Terms] MeSH terms for Racism, Racial Disparities, African Americans
3 "African Continental Ancestry Group"[MeSH Terms] MeSH terms for Racism, Racial Disparities, African Americans
4 "Minority Groups"[MeSH Terms] MeSH terms for Racism, Racial Disparities, African Americans
5 "race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word] race OR racial
6 "bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] terms to do with bias, disparities, prejudice, inequity, etc
7 "divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]  
8 "bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR "divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word] Search 6 OR Search 7 combined
9 ("race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word]) AND ("bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR ("divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word])) Search 5 AND Search 8 combined
10 "racism"[Text Word] OR "racist"[Text Word] racism or racist
11 (("race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word]) AND ("bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR ("divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]))) OR ("racism"[Text Word] OR "racist"[Text Word]) Search 9 OR Search 10
12 "Black American"[Text Word] OR "Black Americans"[Text Word] OR "African American"[Text Word] OR "African Americans"[Text Word] OR "Afro American"[Text Word] OR "Afro Americans"[Text Word] OR "Blacks"[Text Word]  
13 "people of color"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word]  
14 "Black American"[Text Word] OR "Black Americans"[Text Word] OR "African American"[Text Word] OR "African Americans"[Text Word] OR "Afro American"[Text Word] OR "Afro Americans"[Text Word] OR "Black people"[Text Word] OR "Black men"[Text Word] OR "Black women"[Text Word] OR "Blacks"[Text Word] OR "people of color"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] Search 11 AND Search 12
15 "Race Factors"[MeSH Terms] OR "Prejudice"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Discrimination"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Segregation"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Race Relations"[MeSH Terms] OR "African Americans"[MeSH Terms] OR "African Continental Ancestry Group"[MeSH Terms] OR "Minority Groups"[MeSH Terms] OR ((("race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word]) AND ("bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR ("divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]))) OR ("racism"[Text Word] OR "racist"[Text Word])) OR ("Black American"[Text Word] OR "Black Americans"[Text Word] OR "African American"[Text Word] OR "African Americans"[Text Word] OR "Afro American"[Text Word] OR "Afro Americans"[Text Word] OR "Black people"[Text Word] OR "Black men"[Text Word] OR "Black women"[Text Word] OR "Blacks"[Text Word] OR "people of color"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word]) Search 1 OR Search 2 OR Search 3 OR Search 4 OR Search 11 OR Search 13
16 "Race Factors"[MeSH Terms] OR "Prejudice"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Discrimination"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Segregation"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Race Relations"[MeSH Terms] OR "African Americans"[MeSH Terms] OR "African Continental Ancestry Group"[MeSH Terms] OR "Minority Groups"[MeSH Terms] OR ((("race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word]) AND ("bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR ("divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]))) OR ("racism"[Text Word] OR "racist"[Text Word])) Search 1 OR Search 2 OR Search 3 Or Search 4 or Search 11
17 ("Race Factors"[MeSH Terms] OR "Prejudice"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Discrimination"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Segregation"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Race Relations"[MeSH Terms] OR "African Americans"[MeSH Terms] OR "African Continental Ancestry Group"[MeSH Terms] OR "Minority Groups"[MeSH Terms] OR ((("race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word]) AND ("bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR ("divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]))) OR ("racism"[Text Word] OR "racist"[Text Word]))) AND ("Black American"[Text Word] OR "Black Americans"[Text Word] OR "African American"[Text Word] OR "African Americans"[Text Word] OR "Afro American"[Text Word] OR "Afro Americans"[Text Word] OR "Black people"[Text Word] OR "Black men"[Text Word] OR "Black women"[Text Word] OR "Blacks"[Text Word] OR "people of color"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word])

Search 16 AND Search 14

Similar to Search 15 but mainly about African Americans

This search hedge was created by Chelsea Misquith, MI (she/her), Public Health and Research Support Librarian Brown University Library Email:<>

We have linked directly to her Excel document below.

MeSH Terms for Racism, Racial Disparities, African Americans

"Race Factors"[MeSH Terms] OR "Predjudice"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Discrimination"[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Social Segregation'[MeSH Terms:noexp] OR "Race Relations"[MeSH Terms]

Race or Racial

"race"[Text Word] OR "racial"[Text Word]

Racism or Racist

"racism"[Text Word] OR "racist"[Text Word]

Bias, Disparities, Prejudice, Inequity

"bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word]

"divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]

"bias"[Text Word] OR "biases"[Text Word] OR "discriminat*"[Text Word] OR "disparity"[Text Word] OR "disparities"[Text Word] OR "factor"[Text Word] OR "factors"[Text Word] OR "gap"[Text Word] OR "gaps"[Text Word] OR "inequity"[Text Word] OR "inequities"[Text Word] OR "inequality"[Text Word] OR "inequalities"[Text Word] OR "minority"[Text Word] OR "minorities"[Text Word] OR "prejudice*"[Text Word] OR "profiling"[Text Word] OR "relations"[Text Word] OR "divide"[Text Word] OR "division"[Text Word] OR "segregation"[Text Word]