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Research Basics Guide: Find Articles

This guide provides details on accessing information for your research at KCU

Find Articles

The bulk of your research will likely be articles. This page offers some of KCU library's resources to help you locate the information you need to complete your research. 

Our new Discovery Tool offers a one-stop article and e-book search for our patrons. Discovery Tools work more like Google, searching all of our databases and electronic resources at once. Instead of searching ClinicalKeyPubMed, and Access Medicine separately, simply enter your search query into the Discovery Tool search bar. Be sure to use Boolean Operators here, or take advantage of the Advanced Search options. 

KCU Library Databases

KCU Library Databases - Use this direct link to our library databases page. You can also find Databases under the Resources Box on our homepage.


KCU E-Resources

KCU Resources- Library Resources are located on our Library Homepage navigation bar. Here you'll find links to Board Resources, eResources, Digital Archives, Library Guides, Osteopathic Resources, and Required Textbooks

Types of Articles

Types of Articles
  • Research - reports on research conducted and assesses the contribution to the body of knowledge of the subject area
  • Review - summarizes a topic presented by previously published studies

You will likely need a combination of both types in order to complete your research. Of course, how many of each is determined by the topic and research question you are pursuing. 

A few things to consider: 

Too many articles can mean that your topic is very broad OR that it is a very saturated topic, meaning a lot of research and reviews have been done on it. 

Too few articles can mean that your topic is very narrow OR that it hasn't been researched and reviewed enough.